Learn step-by-step strategies to significantly lower your risk of breast cancer ... at any risk and age!

Enroll NOW and get 20% OFF!

100% Risk-Free, Money-back Guarantee:

"I am so confident you will be pleased with the value of my course that I will refund your money if you are not. The only condition is that you have watched all the course lessons, provided your feedback in writing, and do so within 1 year of your purchase.”

You’re in the right place at the right moment because …


1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.



LAST YEAR was the best time to take action to reduce your breast cancer risk … but NOW is the next best time!


Here's the Truth



A landmark, 25-year study of 90,000 women has shown that the conventional, outdated approach to breast cancer does NOT save lives.

A more effective approach to detect and prevent breast cancer EXISTS and is available today.


Specific anti-cancer diet and lifestyle routines are known to help LIMIT cancer cells from forming and proliferating.


Targeted nutrients and natural medicine have been shown to help your immune system identify and DESTROY cancer cells.


What if you could…

  • SAFELY and more predictably avoid getting a breast cancer diagnosis?

  • KNOW exactly what to do to preserve and protect your breast health?

  • LEARN a more effective way to monitor your breast health and detect cancer in its earliest, formative stages (when it is easiest to reverse)?


So you can finally: 


  • KNOW that you DO NOT have to succumb to a common family fate of breast cancer.

  • REST EASIER knowing that you are NOT a victim of your genetic weaknesses.

  • LEARN science-backed research to help you PREVENT breast cancer.

  • STOP guessing! … and instead, KNOW what to “do” and to “take” to stay well and protect your well-being!

The Course Includes EVERYTHING You Need to Know to Help Prevent BREAST CANCER:

 The 9-hour course is broken up into 9 modules as 27 bite-size lessons, and with as little as 15-20 minutes a week, you can begin to significantly reduce your risk of getting breast cancer!



How to enjoy and optimize your learning experience and receive the most benefit from this course.


Understanding Breast Cancer and Its Prevention:

What breast cancer is, why it occurs, how to reduce your risk,
and a new, empowering, truly beneficial breast cancer prevention strategy.


Estimating Your Breast Cancer Risk:

Why it is important to know and how to best estimate your breast cancer risk.


Monitoring Your Breast Health:

A safer, more effective approach for tracking your breast health and screening for breast cancer (even in its precancerous stage).



Establishing an Anti-Cancer Mindset & Heartspace:

Easily harness the power of your thoughts and feelings
to stress less, activate your immunity, and protect your cells from breast cancer.


Creating an Anti-Cancer Diet & Lifestyle:

How to eat, move, and sleep to optimize your breast health
and balance your sex hormones to avoid fueling breast cancer.


Reducing Your Body's Cancer-Inducing Toxic Burden:

Effectively (and practically) reduce your exposure to and body's burden of cancer-inducing and hormone-disrupting chemicals.


Anti-Cancer Nutrients & Natural Medicine:

Supplementation that helps your body more efficiently prevent, identify, and destroy cancer cells, protect your DNA (from cancer mutations), and keep your sex hormones in balance.


Putting It All Together:

How to successfully implement and maintain your breast cancer-protective strategies … for LIFE!

ALSO INCLUDED ... multiple, quick-glance


for easy, convenient access to key aspects of the course!

Enroll NOW and get 20% OFF!

What My Patients Have Shared About Me:

”Dr. Powers worked such miracles in my life that I now call him "Dr. Healing Powers:" Before visiting him l experienced chronic fatigue, migraine headaches, extreme stress, depression, irritability, and muscle pain, among other symptoms. By adopting Dr. Powers' mind-body-spirit approach to healing, I have improved all of my symptoms, have incredible energy, very few headaches, no depression, and a wonderful outlook on my life and all its challenges. Thank you for helping to make my health the best it's ever been."

-Kristi D.
Motivational Speaker, Author, & former Rockette

"My 5-year-old son had allergies and chest colds with flare-ups every month that often led to bronchitis and pneumonia. After following Dr. Powers’ recommendations, my son thinks more clearly, sleeps more soundly, has more energy and less mood swings, a much better memory, and can eat and not worry about making him sick! I am so grateful for his renewed sense of being and he is happy to not be sick so much."

-Lisa A.
Mom, Homeschooler

"When I first met Dr. Powers I had aches and pains, fatigue, felt listless and depressed, had a poor memory, and bloating. I followed Dr. Powers' recommendations and now I think more clearly, sleep more soundly, have more energy, feel more balanced and stable emotionally, and feel less mood swings. I also have a much better memory now, and can eat without feeling bloated. I am so grateful for my renewed sense of well-being and am feeling better than I have in years."

-Alice B.

"If you're looking for a great doctor who can cure your incurable, undiagnosable diseases and set you on the right path, Dr. Powers is the man."

-Amy F.

"I sincerely appreciate the excellent service and attentiveness I have received from you and your staff. I am very pleased with my progress under your guidance and care."

-Barbara B.
Circuit Court Judge

"I want to thank you for being such a wonderful and kind soul. I'm not sure where my mother and I would be if we hadn't found you. You are without a doubt, one-of-a-kind in my world of doctors."

-Rhonda P.

"In January of 2023 I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Immediately I saw Dr. Richard Powers and started on his recommended program to keep my body as healthy as possible even before starting my chemotherapy treatments. Continuing through my treatments, I took the suggested supplements, followed dietary guidelines, sleep, exercise and routine chiropractic adjustments. Each time I saw Dr. Powers and staff I always left uplifted and full of hope. My only side effect was loss of hair, not my eye lashes or eyebrows. Yeah! My hair was long, so I cut my hair shorter each week then bought a wig to match my hair. I looked healthy, acted healthy and the only people who knew what I was going through were my 10 prayer warriors at church. Spiritual focus and meditation were also in my daily routine which gave my mind and body a sense of peace. After 4 clear scans Dr. Powers has weaned me off some supplements and I continue to follow his guidelines for a healthy lifestyle. Thank you Dr. Powers and staff."

-M. H.

100% Risk-Free, Money-back Guarantee:

"I am so confident you will be pleased with the value of my course that I will refund your money if you are not. The only condition is that you have watched all the course lessons, provided your feedback in writing, and do so within 1 year of your purchase.”

Frequently Asked Questions